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28-Apr-2008 Rich Long (South Carolina)
I was recently watching The Antiques Road Show on PBS and it was coming from Spokane. One of the Features was about the old carrousel and I was wondering if it was the same one that I remember from a visit to a little amusement park that I visited when I was stationed at Fairchild AFB. After reading this site I know that it is.

It was a great little park and I probably visited shortly before it closed. I remember my years in your city during my youth with many good memories of a great place to live and people who will always be in my thoughts and memories.

You as a community are to be commended for saving the old carrousel. Seems like the old horses were put in stores right before I left in 1971 trying to raise money for the purpose of restoration.
Thanks for the memories, Spokane

I too have such fond memories of Nat Park and the Kaiser picnic's. Many times I've remeniced about the fun and rides to my children and grandchildren. AAAh, the good old days!

14-Mar-2008 Jake Evans (Spokane, Washington USA)
This is a great site. This gave me info about Nat Park for a school assignment. This site also provided pics of my family.

12-Feb-2008 Nat & Margie Williams (Spokane, Washington USA)
We Live at Sans Souci West (55 & up) Mobile Home Park, the former location of Natatorium Park. My wife's family frequented the park so living here is quite a treat for us.

We are looking to collect images of the park and compile a collection of stories and images for our historical record as well as to create an ongoing photo display for the park's residents and guests.

Living here is a beautiful quiet joy, just 10 minutes from downtown Spokane. For anyone interested in living at the park, the homes are modestly priced and privately owned, and several are for sale at any one time. There is a wonderful clubhouse, Pool, Hot Tub, Exercise room and lots of activities.

The grounds are 45 Acres of tree lined Home sites and are lovely to walk through as well as to get to know your neighbors, as it's like living in a close knit neighborhood.

You can contact me for information regarding living at the (Old Nat Park). A great way for the Snow Birds to down size too. Call 509-489-1492

01-Feb-2008 Lory Williams (Seattle, WA USA)
Wow! It is terrific to see this park honored via this nifty web site. It makes me all warm and fuzzy to relive time spent (in the 60's) at the Nat! Thanks for bringing back some great memories.

24-Jan-2008 Larry J Mulvey (Coeur d'Alene, Idaho USA)
I remember as a kid when my parents would take us to Nat Park in the mid '50's. It was on of the most memorable experiences in my lifetime that I can remember. Thank you so much for this web site. Larry J Mulvey

15-Jan-2008 Lisa (WA USA)
I just wanted to thank you for putting together your web site about Nat Park. Though I never got to see it, I can imagine what a great fun place it was for families and children alike!

I was born just prior to its closure and would have been too young to remember it. I was born and raised in Walla Walla (1964) and never heard of it probably since my parents were not into amusement parks.

Now 40 years later, there is literature and information about it which seems to capture its memory.

Anyway, I was happy to see that you have a NoLimits recreation of the beloved Jack Rabbit coaster that ran at Nat from 1920-1967. Due to my life long love for old wooden coasters, I collect memorabilia of these long gone Northwest rides. The Jack Rabbit was a mystery for me for many years.

Recently, I have come across photos of it through the "Dear Old Nat.." book, Spokane's Museum of Archives site and other resources. It even was neat to see the real thing in action via onride footage in the video/dvd "Remember When: Nat Park".

So I was glad to have come across your web site as well.

Thanks again!

Lisa Zigweid

Visit my website at Roller Coasters of The Pacific Northwest

01-Jan-2008 Suzie Aga (spokane, wa)
I came to this website to look for possible photos I could buy for my brother's birthday. We both have such great memories of Nat Park, he loved it so much that everytime he comes to visit we have to drive down there and talk about where which ride was and what we did.

Do you know where I can get some colors photos to purchase or any books I can purchase?

Thank you..

(Note: The "Dear Old Nat" book and the "Remember When:Nat Park" VHS video can be found on our History menu! Gary)

26-Dec-2007 David Clumpner (Seattle, Wa USA)
My vivid memories of Nat Park began shortly after World War II when my parents took me to that glorious oasis. The Jack Rabbit was my first enchantment. "Wow", I'd never seen anything like that before... Red little carts racing like a fire engine on a track. And that first "mountain", well it seemed taller than any building in town.

And the people in those carts were like little screaming ants as they seemed to go over the first "cliff". I stood there in stark amazement that anyone would have the courage to do that.
The Nut House was the next attraction that captivated me and I spent a lot of time being
mesmerized by the water flowing uphill and my hilarious images in those mirrors.

(to be continued)

19-Dec-2007 R. K. (Burbank, WA USA)
I was scared to death to ride the "ROLLER COASTER". My dad walked and rode every ride with me except for the dreaded scary roller coaster.

We passed by the Jack Rabbit and dad said "Here's the Jack Rabbit, we haven't ridden that yet." I immediately said an excited YES!!

When the great fun and scary ride was over, my brother said "I thought you were scared of the Jack Rabbit." Needless to say, I took much ribbing and dad apologized as we rode it a few more times!!

Thanks for the memory.

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