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19-May-2007 John Odean (Severna Park, Maryland USA)
I have such fond memories of my childhood in Spokane. Every year we went to Nat Park. My dad was a Shriner...and we'd go on "Shriner Day". I rode the Jack Rabbait seemingly a dozen times each day.

I loved the Haunted House as well...and the train. I was there the last summer, and then they tore the place down. My aunt Ora moved into the mobile home park that replaced Nat Park. It was really sad to go visit my aunt and think about all the fun I'd had over my childhood...and it was suddenly gone.

When they had decided to move the carrousel to the World's Fair Site they held a "Save Spokane's Carrousel" fund drive sponsored by Spokane Parks and Rec. department. They sold little pink pins on buttons with green letters for a dollar. I sold the second most buttons in the city and received a AM/FM transitor radio as a prize. Boy was that a beloved childhood trophy!

Well...thanks for the site...and for one last ride on the Jack Rabbit. Whodathunk I'd get that treat again?

11-May-2007 Sacajawea middle school (Spkane, Washington United Staes)
This place looks awesome.

I'm doing this on dig deep. It looks like an awesome topic, so im going to research it. Thats odd, you would have never thought Spokane would have had an amusment park.

05-May-2007 Ben Stuart (Seattle, WA USA)
My grandparents often told me about Nat park and I wish I was alive when it was open. What is in the former Nat park location now? Where is it?

(I've added links to Google maps of the nat park site here. G.N.)

23-Apr-2007 Trudy Lundy (Spokane, Washington USA)
Took me back to our Senior Sneak from Jenkins High School/Chewelah in 1954. Thanks -- Ill refer it to my classmates, kids and grandkids.

31-Mar-2007 Jayne & Chuck
We came back for another visit to your website and to ride on the Jackrabbit! We have a ticket from the Jackrabbit that was donated to the museum! What a great thing you are doing for historic preservation of Natatorium Park!

28-Mar-2007 Bob Witter (Anaheim, California USA)
Who would have thought I would ever be able to ride the Jack Rabbit again---you people are amazing !!! That is exactly how I remember the ride. Congratulations on bringing a part of the Nat back to life--your site is wonderful and is very much appreciated. To this day I am still so sad to not have this place to share with my kids.
Thanks again for the GREAT ride.

12-Mar-2007 Liz Goins-Willard (San Francisco, California U.S.A.)
I was born and raised in Spokane. I uttered my first swear word while viewing 4th of July fireworks at Nat Park. I was 3 years old at the time. The first big burst in the sky I yelled, "Oh Damnit!". My first ride on the roller coaster was when I was (tall enough) 6. I rode in the front car. Still remember it like it was yesterday. WOW! Loved everything about the place but I think my favorite was and still is that gorgeous carrousel by Looff. In fact I will be in Spokane this week and I will ride the carrousel again, with my cousin. I always try to when I visit the old home town. My first ride was over 50 years ago.

03-Mar-2007 Robert A. Clouse (Spokane, WA USA)
Thanks so much for one more ride. That was terrific.
Being from North Dakota where the highest point is a drift of snow along a snow fence, you can only imagine how we felt riding the Jackrabbit.
Nat Park was an Oasis.
Bob Clouse

16-Feb-2007 Sandra McClanahan-Pass (valleyford, wa usa)
I moved to Spokane the year before it closed and was only able to visit the Park one time before it closed. It closed the same year I graduated from Joel E Ferris. I still have the great memories and wish it was still here for my grandchildren, and my children before them. There really is nothing anywhere around here to compare to it. I know it is missed very much.

30-Jan-2007 Greg Link (spokane, wa usa)
I lived only 9 blocks from the park and remember the big hill to go down and the best ride was the jackrabbit and the bumper cars (had to be taller than Dennis the Menace cut out!)to get on. Great web-site thanks for the memories

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